Hypnotherapy is a type of mind-body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern. Wikipedia
What is Hypnotherapy?
You have the biggest super computer in the world between your ears. It stores all of your habits, beliefs, values, behavior patterns, emotions, fears, phobias, goals, experiences, in the deeper layers of your mind, your subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy is a natural mind body therapy. There are no medications or external tools necessary in this therapy. It's all about your mind and how you can use your mind effectively to run your life. If you imagine your mind to be a supercomputer, then to run the computer effectively and fast, we have to load new programs, delete old programs, update newer versions of some programs, tune the computer to keep it running fast and efficiently. We have to do the same with our mind. As we go through life, we collect a lot of stuff in our mind, new beliefs, values, habits, behaviors, experiences, fears, anxiety, limitations etc. We have to tune our computer and maintain it to have it running the way we want our life to run.
"Hypnosis is one of the top four mind-body therapies practiced by Americans today."
-- Harvard Medical School

Pretty much everything happening in your life today is based on all the programs you have installed in your subconscious mind. All of your experiences, emotions, thoughts, values, beliefs, patterns, triggers are in your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is about 90% of your brain power. 10% of your brain power is your conscious mind. The conscious mind is operating on all that is recorded in the subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious mind. We work together to determine what all changes we need to make and once you are comfortable with the changes, we will install these changes in your subconscious mind using hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is the main tool used during hypnotherapy. I also use NLP tool (neuro-linguistic programming) as guided to make these changes. Using hypnotherapy to make changes is working smart. Using conscious mind to make changes is working hard.
Hypnotherapy can be used for emotional issues, physical issues, spiritual growth, releasing emotional baggage, install goals and much more. Issues can be depression, stress, anxiety, fears, changing habits, behavior patterns, increasing focus and concentration, weight loss, release cravings for sugar, salty food, enhance sports performance and more. You can use hypnotherapy to work on relationship issues, quit smoking, explore Who Am I, regression work.
Deeper levels of hypnosis are used for Past Life Regression, In-Between Life Regression.
How well does hypnosis work? Comparison study done by American Health Magazine:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior therapy: 78% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Client Testimonials
If you are interested in how your mind works, read my article on Theory of Mind
How Your Mind Works
It's amazing how our mind works and why we behave the way we do. We offer a free 1/2-hour consultation that will allow you to discuss your issues in relation to your mind and gain insights into your habits.
Below is an article I call 'Theory of Mind'. I am hoping it provides you with insights into your habits, behavior and why it is not easy to change for most of us.
Also, more importantly to the explanation is to make you aware of the wonderful opportunity you have of doubling or more your brain power by learning to harness the power of your subconscious mind.
Feel free to contact me for clarifications or questions.
Theory Of Mind
Do you know how you brain works? I mean functionally and not the science of nerves, tissues etc. Understanding this might help you understand yourself better and why it is difficult to change yourselves. So, a small lesson follows.
There are several components to the brain. In layman terms, we have the outer layer of our mind, the conscious mind. This is the mind we are most aware of during waking hours. It is supposed to be roughly 8% to 10% of our total brain power. This is the mind that takes in input from the environment (TV, Radio, Books, talking to people etc.), analyzes the inputs and at times takes decisions. Based on research we use probably 5% to 6% of this mind only.

Underneath the conscious layer are several layers of the mind. For simplicity I came calling all these layers as subconscious mind. This is roughly 90% of our brain power. For most of us, these layers of mind are beyond our control. There are various functions performed by these deeper layers of the mind. These are:
1. Automatic processes in our body such as circulation of blood, digestion of food, secretion of hormones etc. etc. There are some Indian gurus who can control their heart beat, blood pressure etc. but for most of us these are automatic processes.
2. All our experiences since childhood and all emotions attached to the experiences are stored in the subconscious layers of the mind. Have you noticed when you meet a long-lost friend after decades, all the emotions and feelings for that person surfaces to our conscious mind? We may not have thought of that person in years yet all our feelings are stored deep in our mind. There are people who carry revenge and hatred for decades and decades in their mind. All the stored negative energy affects us.
3. All our beliefs and values by which we live our life are also stored at the subconscious level. These impact our analyzing and decision making at the conscious mind. This is right, that is wrong, this is the correct behavior, that should not be done etc. etc. are all based on our beliefs and values. Since each one of us have differing beliefs and values, we all judge things differently.
4. Our habits are part of the deeper layers of the mind also. They are programmed and stored there and our habits prompt us to behave in a certain manner. You may not be aware of the many habits you have cultivated. Start noticing. You may realize you wear your clothes in a fixed order every day, you like to start your day brushing your teeth, you like to eat in a fixed order etc. Habits are good, they structure our lives and allow us to go on without having to make a decision on everything. However, habits that limit the quality of our life need changing.
5. Our behavior is mostly a product of our experiences, our beliefs and values, our habits. The same situation will evoke different behaviors from many people.
6. Your fears and phobias are stored at the subconscious mind. Your fears are a result of your experiences and phobias are fears due to unknown reasons. You were bit by a dog when you were small and now you have a fear of dogs. No amount of rationalization and statistics can remove your fear because the subconscious mind does not rationalize.
You must be wondering why this discussion on brains. Well, if we want to change something in your life such as habits or yourself limiting beliefs (I am not good enough, I am not capable of..., I can never be slim, and so on) you need to learn how to access that deeper layer of the mind where this information is stored, to change things. If you try to change using just the conscious mind it is extremely difficult. You can apply will power to change but unless you can sustain will power for a lookout period of time, you will slip back into old habits, old behaviors. The subconscious mind is 7 to 8 times stronger than the conscious mind and so it always wins.
Now if you can learn techniques to access the deeper layers of the mind and make changes directly in those layers, than you don't need conscious mind and will power at all to live your life differently. You can reprogram yourselves by going directly to the area of the mind where yourself limiting beliefs are stored and change them there. Once you change your belief (such as believing I can become slimmer and fit) than your subconscious mind will help you to live your life by the new belief.
Let's take the case of wanting to lose weight. Obesity is a big problem now. In fact, World Health Organization predicts that obesity will the 2nd largest illness in the world after heart disease. Whoooo!
So you want to lose weight. You know you have to change some habits and behaviors and most likely some beliefs to lose weight and more importantly to maintain the weight loss. You can diet and lose weight but if you have not changed the underlying old programs in your mind, you will slip back into old habits very soon after your diet is over. Now your body will store more fat since it does not know when you might starve it again. And the you-you will continue, lose weight, put on weight, another diet, again put on weight. Sounds familiar?
Now if you can change your beliefs about food and get the same pleasure and enjoyment out of healthy food that you get out of junk food, then you will automatically desire and eat healthy food only. Just like you crave and enjoy junk food (you believe subconsciously and consciously that the junk food taste so good) because of your existing beliefs, you will start eating and enjoying healthy food based on new beliefs. Isn't this approach better than using will power to eat healthy food and hating the healthy food?
You can change your beliefs about exercise and start enjoying exercising. Once the beliefs, habits are changed, your behavior will reflect the new beliefs and habits.
Bottom line, learn techniques to help you change your deeper layers of mind to change your life and expand the quality of your life. You are in charge of your life. You can change and improve.
Both meditation and self-hypnosis provide access to deeper layers of the mind. I used to meditate for years and it took me years to learn to get into meditative state. But learning hypnosis is much easier and faster. Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration and a very natural state for the body. We slip in and out of hypnosis many times during the day. You are watching a TV program and totally engrossed in the program, you are in hypnosis. Learn how you can use this focused state of concentration to access deeper layers of your mind and start changing your life.
Why Hypnotherapy?
Your life is pretty much run by what all you hold in your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is only 8% to 10% of your brain power. It has a very short-term memory of only a couple of hours. Rest of all of your memory is stored in the subconscious mind. Your beliefs, values, habits, behavior, experiences, emotions, fears, phobias are all part of your subconscious mind.
You use your conscious mind to do things but all the analysis that you do is based on what you hold in your subconscious mind. The important thing about subconscious mind is that it does not rationalize. So, you cannot rationalize your fears away. You cannot rationalize and remove self-limiting beliefs. Basically, you cannot rationalize anything that is stored in your subconscious mind.
In order to change your life, you have to change the information that you have recorded in your subconscious mind. If you think you are not smart enough or you are not attractive or you have fear of flying or spiders or whatever, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy is naturally geared to accessing your subconscious mind. It can help you reprogram any information stored there. The subconscious mind is 7 to 8 times stronger that the conscious mind, so once you program information there, the powerful subconscious mind will start functioning without any need for will power by conscious mind. Check out these results.
How well does hypnosis work? Comparison study:
- American Health Magazine
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior therapy: 78% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
What does Hypnotherapy do for me?
Hypnosis can teach and re-program behaviors, habits, and beliefs that are holding you back from living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling and successful life. It can remove fears and phobias, reprogram stress triggers, increase motivation to reach your goal. If you are a spiritual person, it can help you on your spiritual journey.
Change is constant in this world. We have to continually adapt ourselves to the changes happening around us, in our work life, personal life, environmental factors, our conditioned responses etc. Our difficulty in adapting to changes creates stress in our lives. If can impact our physical, emotional, mental health. We think each and every one of us can benefit from hypnotherapy as each one can learn better ways to change and grow.
Hypnotherapy can help clients with:
- Depression
- Weight Loss
- Stress Management
- Fears and Phobias
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Quit Smoking
- Personal Goal Setting
- Habits and behavior
- Pain Management
- Focus & concentration
- Learning Self Hypnosis
- Improve Memory
- Manage pre-surgery anxiety
- Speed post-surgery recovery
- Cancer Relief
Check our services page for more information.
The future of Hypnotherapy
By Dr. Daniel Amen
Throughout its history, hypnosis has gone through periods of acceptance and rejection. Hypnosis is now widely accepted and practiced. I doubt hypnosis will ever be rejected again. Sound medical research and the understanding of the brain are two of the many reasons why hypnosis is on a more secure path that it has ever been. A Sept 14, 2003 Wall Street Journal headline read, "Hypnosis Goes Mainstream, Major hospitals use trances for fractures, cancer, burns, speeding surgery recoveries." The popularity of hypnosis will continue to rise; hypnosis works quickly, the cost is inexpensive, the results are effective and long lasting, and there are positive, not negative, side effects
Bring light into your life, remove darkness. You deserve the best life possible

What does a Hypnotherapy session look like?
Therapeutic hypnosis is a pleasurable state in which your body is guided by a trained hypnotherapist, in a safe and controlled environment towards a feeling of peace, calm, and relaxation. Your conscious mind is guided to a state of deep relaxation so you can speak through various techniques directly to your subconscious mind.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind and body. We go in and out of hypnosis all day long. Suppose you are totally engrossed in a TV show or a movie or a book and you are not aware of what is happening around you, you are in hypnosis. Many times, we go into our own thoughts as we are driving and are not even aware of how we reached our destination, we are in hypnosis then. It's a very natural state.
Besides hypnosis, we use other techniques like Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom techniques (EFT) to help you reach your goal.
Clients first fill in some forms. We then talk to the client, understand the issues the client wants to work on, discuss possible ways of handling the issues, the suggestions that we can use. Then most often we will relax the client via techniques. The client is always alert and awake during the process and can hear everything the therapist is telling them. They can evaluate the suggestions given and decide which one to accept and which to reject. Once they are in the desired state of relaxation, we give suggestions to bring about the change that we discussed earlier. Then we bring the client out of hypnosis.
Clients feel very relaxed and calm after the session. Since we are making changes at the deeper layers of the mind, these changes become effective very fast.
Who uses Hypnotherapy?
Everyone can use Hypnotherapy. We carry the largest supercomputer in the world between our ears namely our brains. It is important to learn how to use this computer effectively so we can enjoy a more fulfilling life and have the success we want. So, all of us can benefit from hypnotherapy.
Just like we tune our laptops and personal computers when it runs slow, we need to learn how to tune our brains when it is limiting us. Otherwise, as we age, we will become rigid, inflexible and find change very difficult to adjust to. By using our supercomputer effectively, we can remain young forever, enjoying life fully and completely.
You can read the testimonials section to see what some of our clients came for and their feedback.
Where do I need to be to experience Hypnotherapy?
The wonderful thing about hypnotherapy is that it is all based on words, talking. One can have the hypnotherapy sessions in person in our center or via phone. So, you can be at home or at your workplace or vacation spot or anywhere and still experience hypnotherapy. We have worked with clients in many states in USA and aboard.
Can I be hypnotized?
Yes, anyone can be hypnotized. In reality, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The subject is always in control. You are not asleep during hypnosis. In fact, your focus and concentration are very sharp and you are in complete control.
How will I feel after hypnosis?
You will feel energized, relaxed and bask in an overall feeling of well-being. This state can last for many hours or even days for some clients.
Do I know what's going on during Hypnosis?
Yes, you are generally aware of everything that is happening while in hypnosis. You are an active participant in the process, and can leave the hypnotic state if you so desire
Can I say or do something weird when I am in hypnosis?
No. You cannot be compelled to do or say anything in hypnosis that is in conflict with your belief systems and values. You are not out of control in any way; in fact, hypnosis is a state of guided focus, concentration, and relaxation.
We are using hypnosis for therapy purposes and not doing stage hypnosis. Stage hypnosis is something totally different and not part of our practice at all.
How long does it take to see results?
A competent hypnotherapist is trained to help you achieve results in the fewest sessions possible. Several factors influence the degree and rate at which success may be achieved such as the rapport between you and the therapist, your expectations, and the desire and commitment you bring to each appointment, the effort you put into doing what the therapist asks of you after the session. Some clients see dramatic results in just a few sessions.
Am I in control during Hypnosis?
You are always in control during hypnosis. You can come out of hypnosis at any time that you wish.
Hypnosis is mystical?
There is nothing mystical or magical about hypnosis. What is powerful (and therefore seems magical) is the access hypnosis provides to feelings, memories and the systems of the body.
When is the healing center open?
Our center is open from 9:00AM to 7:00PM weekdays. On Saturday we are open from 11:00AM to 3:00PM. We are closed on Sundays. We operate by appointments only, no walk-ins. Distance healing sessions can be scheduled 24X7. Many of our distance healing sessions are done in the night in whatever time zone the client is. This ensures client is resting during the session time.
How can we set up an appointment?
You can set up an appointment in several ways.
Contact us online.
Email kj@karuna-healing.com telling us what days / times work for you or the best time to reach you
Call or text us at 408-218-5887
Are there negative side effects from Hypnotherapy?
There are only POSITIVE side effects from these hypnotherapy, no negative side effects at all.
The future of Hypnotherapy by Dr. Daniel Amen
Throughout its history, hypnosis has gone through periods of acceptance and rejection. Hypnosis is now widely accepted and practiced. I doubt hypnosis will ever be rejected again. Sound medical research and the understanding of the brain are two of the many reasons why hypnosis is on a more secure path that it has ever been. A Sept 14, 2003 Wall Street Journal headline read, "Hypnosis Goes Mainstream, Major hospitals use trances for fractures, cancer, burns, speeding surgery recoveries."
The popularity of hypnosis will continue to rise; hypnosis works quickly, the cost is inexpensive, the results are effective and long lasting, and there are positive, not negative, side effects.